2013年5月28日 星期二
FEBON: SecuTech Expo 2013 台灣 台北國際安全博覽會安控展 (安全監控展\安控展) 心得
FEBON: SecuTech Expo 2013 台灣 台北國際安全博覽會安控展 (安全監控展\安控展) 心得: 以下是簡單的參展心得,很樂意大家可以在FACEBOOK分享 2013 台灣安全監控展,展示了各種影像傳輸模式的系統規劃。 類比CCTV 發展成非標準的 .....960H 宣稱可以無痛升級的在傳統的同軸電纜傳送高解析度 高清的影像.....HDCCTV ...
2013年5月16日 星期四
Polyimide Heaters,Flexible Heater Solutions
Miyo has devoted to manufacture flexible heaters in Taiwan, applied for such as defog or deice heater of outdoor electronic equip, warm up heater of biotech & industrial device, to ensure that we are the one and best you can trust on cost or quality.
To see what you need in heater applications- Medical, IPC, Hard Drive, System warm up
Find more ideas from Miyo to solve flexible heaters related problem with your application ,
Heat plays an important role and key component in most medical and biotech application. Miyo manufactures flexible heaters, demanded precise functions to highly sensitive appliances and medical electronics.
Customize Shape, Wattage, Voltage and others
Our reliable Polyimide heater and silicone rubber heater provides effective solutions, incorporates wattage distribution exactly and uniformly. Combine with alternative selection of heating element, dielectric material and thermal control unit that fulfill all quality, security and cost efficiently requirements, often yields a competitive advantage for customer.
MIYO’s flexible heaters are used in various and widely medical and biotech appliances, such as life support fluid warmers, sterilizers, DNA analysis, and humidifier for CPAP, especially in respiratory therapy utilization.
Combine with thermal control component available
For mostly outdoor electronic machines and facility, they have to be guaranteed for any exterior temperature. MIYO’s Kapton® heater, embedded nearby the module which is weak to sub-zero degree, provide heating solution to exceed working temperature for weakness parts inside. MIYO’s engineer will recommend electrical insulation depending upon the materials used in the customer's product, glass, plastic, coated or un-coated stainless steel, to ensure the entire performance meet customer’s requirement.
If possible, involve an engineer specialist prior to requesting a bid on a final drawing. Early collaboration can result in a more efficient design, streamlined manufacturing and lower costs.
Official Website: http://www.miyo.com.tw/
Source:Miyo Technology Co., Ltd
Address:1F, No. 25 Sanjun St. Shulin , New Taipei City
Industry:Business, Industrial, Manufacturing
kapton heaters, kapton film heaters, kapton film heaters, flexible kapton heater, kapton flexible heater
Last Updated:May 17, 2013
低溫解決方案. 工業電腦 IPC, Medical Heater Design
若使用一般金屬加熱器,受限於其體積和耐耗性等問題,無法解決安控設備的應用需求。軟性電熱片是薄片型的面狀加熱體,易貼附於被加熱物的表面或與機器結構結合。銘優科技軟性電熱片,內部採用德國進口耐高溫合金,蝕刻金屬線路溫度分佈迅速、均勻,加上UL認證的各式表面絕緣材料,不止具防潮和耐化性,並可視需求直接在線路上安裝溫度控制元件,提升加熱系統可靠度與效能。在連續使用下,可承受攝氏150度的高溫與至-60度的低溫,整體厚度最薄可達0.12毫米 ,專利可凹折設計亦能提供非平面體加熱需求,適用安控槍型機(Bullet
Type Cam)或快球(Speed Dome Cam)等設備。
銘優科技致力成為國內最大軟式電熱片供應商,屢次在國內外客戶爭取上突破重圍。「銘優的優勢來自於多年跨領域經營的整合經驗,不論大型設備裝置、電子零配件、乃至於軍工規機器,都擁有完備know-how,能對客戶的需求做立即且專業的分析和建議。」為架構更嚴謹的內部標準流程與員工訓練,銘優已於2003年通過ISO 9001品質認證,凸顯其追求卓越品質的決心,更能讓安控設備的研發快速導入增添信心。
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